Barion Pixel
+36 20 410 00 35

AUTÓVÉD Kft. (1097 Budapest, Kén u. 6.)

AUTÓVÉD Kft. is a provider and distributor of satellite vehicle protection, online vehicle tracking, location determination, fleet tracking, vehicle security products, tachograph download devices, and driver card download tools.

As part of our business operations, we process certain data on behalf of other companies as a data processor. In such cases, we perform only technical tasks related to data processing operations according to the instructions of the data controller. In these instances, we do not have independent decision-making or control over the data. As a direct data controller, we commit to ensuring that all data processing related to our activities complies with the expectations set forth in this policy and the applicable Hungarian and EU legal regulations.

Commitment to Data Protection

AUTÓVÉD Kft. is committed to protecting the personal data of its clients and partners and highly values the right to informational self-determination. The company treats personal data confidentially and takes all necessary security, technical, and organizational measures to ensure data security.

Legal Basis and Purpose of Data Processing

Our data processing activities are based on voluntary consent. In some cases, however, legal regulations require the processing, storage, and transfer of certain provided data. We draw the attention of individuals providing data to AUTÓVÉD Kft. that if they are submitting personal data not their own, it is their responsibility to obtain the consent of the data subject.

Scope of Processed Data

The following data may be processed:

  • Driver and employer (if applicable) name, date of birth, driver’s license number, mobile phone number (if applicable), unique identifier, email address (if applicable), password, and username.
  • Driving and vehicle events, GPS coordinates.
  • Corporate contacts (if applicable) and their contact details (name, position, landline and mobile phone number, email address).

Purpose of Data Processing

  • Compliance with legal obligations.
  • Operational optimization.
  • Tracking of subscribed services.
  • Minimizing potential errors and damages.
  • Improving service quality.

Legal Basis of Data Processing

  • Voluntary consent of the data subject.
  • Compliance with legal obligations under electronic commerce laws (Eker. tv. 13/A. § (3)).

Data Retention Period

Personal data is retained for three years after the termination of the contract.

Data Sharing and Security Measures

  • The application does not use cookies.
  • Data is only shared with third parties if required by law.
  • Emails received by AUTÓVÉD Kft. are stored with the sender’s name, email address, date, time, and other personal data provided in the message, for a maximum of three years.
  • Incoming customer phone calls are recorded for legal and evidentiary purposes, with a retention period of three years.

Security of Data Processing

AUTÓVÉD Kft. ensures that its IT systems are located in a fully protected data center. The company selects and operates its IT tools to ensure that the data:

  • Is accessible to authorized personnel (availability).
  • Maintains authenticity and integrity (data integrity and authenticity).
  • Is protected against unauthorized access (confidentiality).

We take appropriate measures to protect data from unauthorized access, modification, transmission, disclosure, deletion, destruction, accidental loss, and damage.

AUTÓVÉD Kft. employs the latest technological and organizational security measures to ensure data protection against various threats, including fraud, espionage, sabotage, vandalism, fire, flood, viruses, hacking, and denial-of-service attacks.

Users should be aware that electronic messages transmitted via the internet (email, web, FTP, etc.) are vulnerable to network threats that could lead to unauthorized access, contract disputes, or data leaks. We take all necessary precautions to protect against such threats. Our systems are monitored to detect security deviations and provide evidence of security incidents. This monitoring also helps assess the effectiveness of our security measures.

Data Controller Information

Name: AUTÓVÉD Kft.

Headquarters: 1097 Budapest, Kén u. 6.

Company Registration Number: 01-09-694674

Court of Registration: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága

Tax Number: 12607037-2-43

Phone Number: +36204585660


Legal Remedies

Data subjects have the right to request information about data processing, request the correction, deletion, or restriction of their personal data, and object to data processing. In case of any complaints, individuals may turn to the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH) or the competent court.